
Telluride Acupuncturist, Joshua Geetter, L.Ac., shares the truth behind the legend of Frankincense, Myrhh, and Gold

Telluride Acupuncturist, Joshua Geetter, L.Ac., shares the truth behind the legend of Frankincense, Myrhh, and Gold

A Tibetan doctor once taught me that “everything on the planet; animal, mineral and vegetable, is medicine when used in the right context, dosage a...
Not just pins and needles, Josh Geetter brings integrative Chinese medicine to Telluride

Not just pins and needles, Josh Geetter brings integrative Chinese medicine to Telluride

Josh Geetter comes from a long line of medical providers. Growing up, while his dad served as a doctor during the Vietnam War, he lived with his gr...
Emmy Award-Winning Filmmaker, James Anaquad Kleinert, releases "The Edge of Telluride," a film chronicling big mountain skiing in Telluride, featuring Joshua Geetter and other locals.

Emmy Award-Winning Filmmaker, James Anaquad Kleinert, releases "The Edge of Telluride," a film chronicling big mountain skiing in Telluride, featuring Joshua Geetter and other locals. An Evening Dedicated to Skier/Mountaineer Nonpareil Andy Sawyer “If you made it into this show tonight,” She...
Integrative Medicine Clinic Offers Best of Both Worlds

Integrative Medicine Clinic Offers Best of Both Worlds

"We're riding the wave of the future of medicine," said Josh Geetter, an acupuncturist and practitioner of Oriental medicine. "We're practicing re...
Josh Geetter and Ivano Ghirardini accomplish two major first ascents of new alpine climbs in Chamonix France and Courmeyeur Italy.

Josh Geetter and Ivano Ghirardini accomplish two major first ascents of new alpine climbs in Chamonix France and Courmeyeur Italy.

Joshua Geetter, Ivano Ghirardini, Une premiere à l'Aiguille Noire by Peuterey MONTAGNE Nouvelle première pour Ivano Ghirardini Le guide chamo...